Data-driven assessments - Individual level

We offer Second opinions based on scientific and data-driven assessments. We offer Leadership Assessments with external benchmark compared to other managers. We can also offer full-scale Assessment /Development Centres for selection and development.

We offer data-driven assessments when you need to recruit, find talent, assess potential, reorganise or develop.

Results? An accurate, un-biased, fair and sustainable process. You get clear data that ensures the quality of your decisions.

Insight-driven development - Individual level

We offer Coaching and Onboarding coaching when you are new to your role and Executive coaching. We lead development with questions, not answers. Gaining insight and understanding how to move forward is the most evidence-based method for achieving personal development. Development and change that lasts.

We offer coaching for several purposes, such as sustainable leadership, collaboration, change management, efficiency and productivity.

Results? Coaching that optimizes the individual's ability to perform in a sustainable way. According to research* coaching has the following effects on leadership:

1. Target fulfillment – 74% increase

2. Performance – 60% increase

3. Attitudes and working methods – 54% increase

*Tim Theeboom, Bianca Beersma & Annelies E.M. van Vianen (2014) Does coaching work? A meta-analysis on the effects of coaching on individual level outcomes in an organizational context, The Journal of Positive Psychology, 9:1, 1-18, DOI: 10.1080/17439760.2013.837499

Data-driven assessments - Group level

We offer Management audits based on scientific and data-driven assessments. We offer group analysis with external benchmark compared to effective teams. We also offer Human Due Diligence.

Our research-based Management Analysis ™ is a deep and broad insight into the group's collective resources; culture, leadership style, potential risks and how to fill the gaps / develop.

Results? Deep insight into the group's collective resources; what similarities or differences there are, what they mean for the collaboration and how to achieve goals in a sustainable way.

Insight-driven development - Group level

We offer Management Group Development and Team Development based on a scientific and data-driven process that can maximize the group's effect on the organisation and the business. Our research-based development method is a benchmark compared to effective teams and answers the following questions:

-How effective is the group today and how can we become more effective?

-How productive is the group today and how can we become more productive?

-What group development phase are we in and how can we develop further?

A group's teamwork ability is a critical resource for sustainability. Effective teams not only perform better than other teams, they also have better health. 

Results? Development that contributes to sustainable teamwork with higher productivity and effectiveness than before.

Data-driven assessments - Organisation & leadership

We offer organisational assessments, often in connection with change, reorganisation or M&A. We assess the organisation's competence and resources with a clear gap analysis to desired future position. We provide data to create insight and clear development recommendations.

Resultat? Since our assessments are based on scientific data we contribute to objective and accurate decision-making for your organisation.

Insight-driven development - Organisation & leadership

We offer organisational and leadership development that we tailor to your unique needs and challenges. Our leadership philosophy is based on strategic self-leadership where you consciously direct your ambition towards the right things, in a sustainable way. We offer tailored development programs but also lectures and workshops. Here are some topic examples:

Lectures & workshops

- Sustainable self-leadership & sustainable working life

- Mindfulness / focus training

- Lead change / change leadership

- Coaching leadership

- Motivation & commitment

- Focus & time efficiency

- Effective teams & team development

Results? Since our services are science-based, we contribute with development and change that lasts.